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Hand-Over Defects Building Inspection


This inspection is an inspection on a new home which has just been constructed. For contracts that fall within the threshold of $7,500 to $500,000 the builder is liable to make good, without additional cost, defects in the building work that have been notified in writing within 4 months of practical completion. The 4 months can be extended if agreed by both parties and it has been specified in the contract.
The 4 months defects liability period applies from ‘practical completion’ which means ‘brought to the stage where the home building work is completed except for any omissions or defects which do not prevent the home building work from being reasonably capable of being used for its intended purpose.

Most new home owners don’t realise that the onus is on them to contact the builder in writing within the 4 months so often this milestone goes past and the inspection never gets done. The inspection report will identify all maintenance issues which can then be sent to the builder. A copy of this report is available upon request.

This inspection is carried out as per the Pre-Purchase Advanced Inspection Report. The level of detail and expectation of the standard of finishing is much higher. This inspection will include items relating to tiling, flooring, cabinets, doors, windows and fitting and operation of all appliances.

  • Structural components – walls, foundations, roof structure, ceilings, floors. As per the Structural inspection
  • All interior and exterior surfaces – ceilings, floors, walls, doors, windows, roof, gutters, flashings, patios, pergolas – visual inspection and testing where possible
  • Electrical and plumbing – including testing of all fixed appliances for operation, power points, lights, fans , checking drainage of all fittings and water supply, A/C System, hot water system
  • Outside items located on the property – carports, patios, paving, retaining walls, paths, drainage



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