Book a Building Inspection, Perth WA

"*" indicates required fields

Number of Bedrooms*
Number of Kitchens*
House Details*
In case we need to coordinate access to the property with them
Real Estate Agent's name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
We will make contact to confirm availability and a date that works for you.
accept terms*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Pest Inspections perth

Add a Pool Inspection!

Add a POOL INSPECTION to any building inspection for just $100 extra! Select the pool inspection “add-on” when you are booking your building inspection.

building inspections Perth

How to Pay

You can transfer payments directly online via your own internet banking platform to the following account:

Account Name: Aridra Building Inspections

BSB: 062692

ACC: 72203735

Please contact us to arrange alternate payment options if you are unable to make payment via the above option.

Receipts will be issued after payment has been made.



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